Meet Our Team
The Directors

My name is Maggie Gallant. I am the Managing Director and Service Development Manager for SpeakUpCIC. I previously managed the service when the former East Kent User Forum was hosted by Thanet MIND and later by Rethink Mental Illness. I grew this business with support from Service Users, Volunteers and Stakeholders from the forum which began in 1992.
Over the last 19 years the forum grew from strength to strength and developed into the popular service it is today. In order to continue to develop and to meet the local needs for Mental Health Recovery I established a Community Interest Company (SpeakUpCIC) in February 2011 with the additional aims of maintaining genuine involvement of Mental Health Service Users allowing Service Users to shape their services.
When I started out on my own recovery journey 20 years ago, user forums in this part of Kent did not exist and that is where it all started. With my own experience of the mental health services and the difficulties I had trying to make my own voice heard when unwell, I knew I wanted to make a difference to other people and that is what I have set out to do, in partnership with other users and organisations.

I'm Clare Wright, I lived in Thanet until 2006 when I worked on local re-generation projects and community and business engagement. A Chartered Town Planner, I had a local authority and non-profit background, I am a Director of my own planning consultancy and Founding Director of Community Spirit Partnership CIC.
I have personal experience of mental health issues.

My name is Ian Cater-Chapman and I have been a member of the User Forum since 1993, having faced mental health challenges since the age of 12. Born in Margate, I am a life-long resident of Thanet, and I have worked in various cinemas across Kent as well as at Ramsgate's Tourist Information Centre.
I'm a long-time supporter of diversity and LGBTQ equality, and I was involved with Canterbury Pride and Thanet Gay Pride, both as a steward and an organiser from 2006 to 2010.

Hello. I am Tracy Dighton. I’ve been supporting Maggie and the team with service development, management and governance issues since SpeakUpCIC was founded in 2011. I have since joined the Board as a Director to mark a greater commitment to the organisation and its members going forward. The positive energy at SpeakUpCIC makes contributing a joy. I am experienced in managing community organisations both as a trustee and a chief executive. I have managed the CAB in Hastings and Rother for a number of years and before that ran Ashford Counselling Service. I haven’t always found it easy to keep myself in good wellbeing but have found in recent years sticking with the mindful activities I enjoy, such as working in a community garden, walks in nature and wild swimming has really helped.
The Team

I'm Lorraine Kent and I have been with SpeakUpCIC for over 2 years. Previously I liaised with SpeakUpCIC in the capacity of a working partner.
My role has changed overt my time, now focussing my part-time hours with finance and supporting the Managing Director, Maggie Gallant.
I have worked in mental health services for about 20 years in total and I find the roles both challenging and rewarding

Originating from London, I am Kay and I've been living in Thanet since 1992.
I've been involved in charitable and community development work for many years and I'm also a fully qualified Holistic Therapist.
My passion is supporting people to help improve their mental health and wellbeing via engaging with others through peer support groups and activities.
In my spare time, I am a singer/songwriter who enjoys the therapeutic benefits of music.

Hello, my name is Becky. Most of you know me from before Covid, I am now back at SpeakUpCIC doing admin and feedback clinic. For members that don't know me, here is a bit about me. My previous jobs have included working for Wilko as their new store support, I have worked for KCC in their Millbank centre for asylum seeks under the age of 18, and I have been a support worker for people with learning disabilities. Throughout Covid I worked as a HCA at the hospital, and my most recent job was at Starbucks, but when I am not working I like to spend time walking my dog Reggie the British Bulldog in the woods or down the beach, or spending time making memories with my family. Other than that I live a pretty quiet life.
Hi everyone!
Maggie asked me to write a little introduction of myself to
you all. I’m Julia and I live in Ashford. I have been a
member of SpeakUp CIC for 12yrs.
I first came across SpeakUp after being discharged from
psychiatric hospital in 2013 where I had been
incarcerated for 7yrs with complex ptsd.
Those first few months and years of integrating back into
society were awful as I was so institutionalised, but there
was one peer support group that met up in Ashford each
week that seemed to understand my difficulties and
made me feel welcome; SpeakUp! They listened if I
wanted to speak and I felt heard.
I am a Mum to two young adults and I was a professional photographer before I became
unwell in 2007. During the last four years, I have been studying to become a Counsellor
and hope to qualify later this year.
Since 2013, I have had the pleasure of meeting some of you at various SpeakUp events. I
am excited at this opportunity to be able to give back to the mental health community in
Ashford and look forward to working together with you all at SpeakUp! If you see me
around town, do stop by and say hello!
I look forward to getting to know you
Julia xx

SpeakUpCIC Volunteers

I joined speak up as a member in 2012 after a succession of traumas, a severe mental breakdown, and 4years of agoraphobia, a few years later Maggie offered me the opportunity to become a volunteer and run peer support art, craft and gardening groups, sharing my passions and coping strategies with other members.
In 2022 I suffered an unexpected and significant sight loss.
I honestly thought that would be the end of me being able to continue facilitating the groups and supporting other members. But Maggie, Kay and speak up members restored my faith. Gave me hope that anything is possible as long as you have the right support, and I certainly am getting that here.

Hello I'm Paula, a Mother of 2 adult sons with disabilities, I live in Margate, and I have lived with experience of mental health. I am a Holistic Therapist, I offer a variety of natural and alternative therapies and healing in my salon in Ramsgate, I specialise in the Chakras and sell a lot of chakra based goods. I am also trained in Louise Hay, Heal your life workshop facilitating. I do spiritual readings and run meditation groups. I love my work and enjoy helping people feel and look better in themselves. I decided to Volunteer with Speak-Up and be of service to people who are struggling with their mental health. I have run 1 group so far on the Chakra Energy System to enable other people to use this information to help themselves when they are struggling, I will be looking next to start a meditation group to help people relax.

Kelly McGlasson
My name is Kelly, I volunteer at SpeakUpCIC helping with IT, Media and create/host Online Zoom groups twice a week, or you may just know me as the moderator on Night Owls. Or the Point of Contact for the Volunteers Team. I'm passionate about helping others' lives easier using my skill set. Whether that's Staff, Volunteers or Members. I like to make fun things, uplifting, meaningful and build a sense of belonging. I hope to get to know more of you in time to come!

I'm David, a new volunteer living in Ramsgate. I used to work as an editor in legal publishing, then as a teaching assistant in a secondary school. I also work as a volunteer for Advocacy for All, a charity supporting adults with autism. My interests include watching Ramsgate's football team, watching foreign films, creative writing, playing board games and the Magic The Gathering card game. I am also a massive Bob Dylan fan.
Best wishes

Bio Coming Soon!

I've volunteered for SpeakUpCIC and am now running a zoom session on Wednesday mornings 10am – 11am. It’s a friendly chat session which is very ‘customer’ led. We’ve talked about all sorts of subjects, favourite books/films/TV/programmes. We’ve shared memories, told jokes, read poems, done word puzzles, whatever. So come along and join us for an hour of chat and fun.
Hope to meet some of you soon on a SpeakUpCIC zoom session!
Friends of SpeakUpCIC

Hi, my name is Melissa and I’m a massive Star Wars fan. I live with my son and dog, Jawa, and a 7ft statue of Jar Jar Binks. My other love in life is craft; that’s my thing. It keeps my mind busy. I make deco mesh door wreaths and matching flower garlands around my door. My neighbours and postman get excited every time I change them. I absolutely love love Christmas and I’m busy on a new display. I love to go all out at Christmas; it’s just the most wonderful time of the year. Every Wednesday I help out at the craft group
the Media Centre.

Hey my name is Mandalay and I am a volunteer for SpeakUpCIC.
I returned to the UK 2013 after living overseas for 30yrs. I came home to Margate where I had lived from the age of 14ys.
I was working at Dreamland as Sales & Marketing Executive when I bumped into a friend from my early days working on Margate Beach, her name is Maggie Gallant who is the Director of SpeakUpCIC , she kindly invited me to attend an annual event being held at The Turner Contemporary Art Gallery in Margate as a Meet & Great Hostess.
I was extremely interested in the work they do & what it means to the community that when Maggie invited me to become a Volunteer I jumped at the opportunity to join such a meaningful organisation.
After retiring in October I now enjoy Volunteering for the CIC food community shop in Margate & The RLNI Shop along with SpeakUpCIC.
I have met some amazing talented and inspirational people & really enjoy being part of SpeakUp Volunteer family along with my other colleagues within the communities I volunteer for.

I have been a helper at SpeakUpCIC for many years now, assisting and supporting staff, members, and volunteers. It’s something that gives me inspiration and motivation by helping at events and outings. It’s a very laid-back job, not demanding and something you can do in your own time. Just being on hand when needed and making sure everything goes as smoothly as it can and to plan. I take inspiration from other members who struggle through trials and tribulations of everyday life and take solace in the work that I do. I like helping other people and helping others helps me!