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Ground Rules & Code of Conduct

To be observed in all group sessions including online sessions

â–ª Mobile phones should be switched off (or put on silent during sessions if you are expecting an urgent call). If you need to make a call, please leave the session.

â–ª Respect each other’s views and opinions, even if they do not reflect your own. Listen to one another and do not talk over each other.

â–ª Treat each other with sensitivity and be mindful of other people’s feelings, if you know somebody’s upset about something or someone, be gentle with them. Refrain from behaving in a judgemental manner.

â–ª Confidentiality means that what is shared in a session stays in the session. Members should not discuss any of the contents of any of the sessions outside of the session itself.

â–ª Issues arising within the group, should be taken to the group facilitator, in the first instance.

â–ª Be mindful of the language used in relation to your fellow members, as we all have different levels of acceptance.

â–ª If you need to leave the group/session to use the loo or make a drink, let someone know/ mute yourself and turn your camera off. When you return you can turn these things back on and re-join the group.

â–ª Trying to limit background noise, is not always possible. So, if you feel you need your TV or radio on please be considerate to others and mute yourself.

â–ª Although we do not have a ‘dress code’, we ask that members be respectful of the sensitivities of others by refrain from attending online session/group whether it be shirtless or wearing a top that may be considered too revealing and it may cause offense.

â–ª As we like to keep group/sessions as a safe environment to share, feel free to speak up if the conversation/subject matter makes/is making you feel uncomfortable.

â–ª We respectfully request that if members are feeling unwell/in crisis they refrain from using a group session to share their feelings, as it may have a detrimental effect on others. On these rare occasions please contact staff.

â–ª ‘See and be seen’ - To ensure the health, wellbeing & safety of everyone, when attending a Zoom Group, you will be expected to be on camera.

We reserve the right to withhold access to groups/sessions...

.. if as a member, you exhibit signs of being under the influence of alcohol or non-prescribed medication, access to session or groups may be suspended and membership reviewed.

.. if as a member, you exhibit aggressive behaviour towards staff and other members, this will not be tolerated. Your access to SUCIC activities may be suspended and your membership will be reviewed.

.. if a member does not allow themselves to be seen on camera in a Zoom group.

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